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The Mission of the South Jersey Writers’ Group is to grow the writing community in South Jersey. We meet regularly to learn, connect, to inspire and be inspired. We welcome all backgrounds, all ages, all genres, all publishing platforms, and all levels of experience.
Upcoming Events
- Panel Discussion: Writing Near-Future Science FictionThursday, March 20, 20257 PM ESTBarrington Senior Center, 109 Shreve Avenue, Barrington NJor virtually on Zoom. Near-future science fiction is generally considered to be fiction……(continued)
- Next Beta Reader Book Club: Psychological Thriller by Susan RosenbluthWe’ve read middle grade by Amy Holiday and a witchy family saga by Noelle Gallagher. Now we’re moving into mystery/thriller territory with Susan Rosenbluth’s novel!……(continued)
- Book Launch! Soul Dancing by Gail PriestPlease join us for the launch of Gail Priest’s new book, SOUL DANCING, published May 7, 2024 by Red Adept Publishing! Kathleen Long, USA Today Bestselling Author, will……(continued)
- RECAP: Writers’ Day at the Beach!By Susan Rosenbluth On July 7, SJWG members were invited to spend the day at Bradley Beach at the Rosenbluths’ beach house. After a bagels-with-the-trimmings brunch, some of those who came used the time to enjoy the surf and sand; others spent the afternoon relaxing with ocean breezes on our porch. As the day wore……(continued)
- RECAP: How to Stand Out In the Children’s Book Market with Agent Andrea CascardiBy Susan Rosenbluth It’s a fair bet South Jersey Writers Group members lucky enough to attend the June 6th presentation by literary agent Andrea Cascardi left the meeting with perhaps the most important takeaway possible for an author trying to win representation: Make the first sentence of your query count. “Considering the number of queries most……(continued)