Hosted By Jay and Susan R. at Barrington VFW, 109 Shreve Ave · Barrington, NJ
THU, MAR 21 · 7:00 PM EDT

~ Hybrid meeting ~ See the event description on Meetup for the Zoom Link! ~
Joan’s presentation will combine entrepreneurship and public speaking techniques to instruct all business people, entrepreneurs, and authors on the importance of knowing how to present your business or book brand.
Joan Ramirez has an M.S in Journalism, one in English as a Second Language, and another one in Elementary/Special Education. Her goal is writing to show students of all ages and working/retired adults how to give a speech on what they are doing in academics and business worlds. She is also a published photographer and has traveled worldwide to give workshops in photojournalism. She is the leader of her own enterprise, JLRegen Enterprises LLC.
To join Joan’s mailing list, see our Meetup description.
All those who sign up will receive a free and useful article.
All members are welcome to join us either live at the Barrington VFW or via Zoom. Please add a comment when you RSVP by letting us know where you plan to attend.