The SJWG hosts guest speakers on the first Thursday of the month. These meetings are held virtually.
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Past Featured Speakers
- Panel Discussion: Writing Near-Future Science FictionThursday, March 20, 20257 PM ESTBarrington Senior Center, 109 Shreve Avenue, Barrington NJor virtually on Zoom. Near-future science fiction is generally considered to be fiction that takes place in the next 50 years. As technology advances, climate changes, and political systems modify, our view of the future and what might be actual “fiction” changes rapidly.……(continued)
- “I have to give a speech!” Public Speaking for Authors with Joan RamirezHosted By Jay and Susan R. at Barrington VFW, 109 Shreve Ave · Barrington, NJTHU, MAR 21 · 7:00 PM EDT Details ~ Hybrid meeting ~ See the event description on Meetup for the Zoom Link! ~ Joan’s presentation will combine entrepreneurship and public speaking techniques to instruct all business people, entrepreneurs, and authors on……(continued)
- Writing Seminar and Formal Critique with Barry Scheinkopf of Full Court PressWHEN: Thursday, February 1, 7:00 PM ESTWHERE: Online Details Barry Sheinkopf, a writer, editor, and teacher with an unabashed passion for high-quality examples of the written word, has agreed to offer the South Jersey Writers Group a sample class, similar to the ones he gives at The Writing Center, a seminar-based program geared to reaching……(continued)
- Bookselling: Friendly Tips to Market and Move Your Books with Jill Morgan ClarkWHEN: Thursday, January 18, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ESTWHERE: In-Person and Virtual on Zoom (link and location available on Meetup) Jill will share best marketing practices that won’t take up a lot of your time or techno knowledge. She will offer consistency techniques with your online and person-to-person selling. Jill Clark is a retired……(continued)
- In Conversation with Memoir Writer and Journalist Judy ForemanThursday, November 2, 20237:00 PM Details It’s a fascinating process, switching from daily journalism – where youtell everything right up front as clearly as possible, and where you keep your feelings out of it – to fiction, where you have to dole information out in little pieces, like breadcrumbs to seduce the reader along, and……(continued)
- Writing Novels, Comics and Screenplays with Tony DiGerolamoThursday, October 5 7:00 PM EDT Details We welcome NJ native Tony DiGerolamo to discuss writing across multiple formats. Tony DiGerolamo is a New Jersey screenwriter, novelist, comic book writer, game designer and comedian. He is best known for his work on The Simpsons and Bart Simpson comic books. He has also been a joke writer for Politically Incorrect with Bill……(continued)
- Indie Publishing with Editor Jonathan LevitThursday, September 7 20237:00 PM EDT Details We will be joined by Pandi Press Co-Founder and Lead Designer, Jonathan Levit to discuss the world of Indie Publishing. The goal of Pandi Press is simple: to publish excellent books. While we specialize in crime novels, thrillers, horror, even supernatural suspense—we understand the importance of quality over labels. Our……(continued)
- Writing Children’s Picture Books with Chris CarpenterThursday, July 6 at 7:00 PM Online event Members RSVP here Details Join us as we welcome Chris Carpenter for an open discussion about writing and publishing children’s picture books and what it’s like working with an illustrator. Carpenter is the co-author of two picture books, P is for Pterodactyl (The Worst Alphabet Book Ever)……(continued)
- Connecting with Indie Booksellers with Del HowisonOn Thursday, April 6 at 7pm, we welcome horror author, editor and actor Del Howison to discuss how authors can cultivate relationships with local indie booksellers. This is a virtual event, hosted on Zoom. In 1995, Howison and wife Sue Duncan opened Dark Delicacies in Burbank California, a store devoted entirely to horror books, films……(continued)
- Indie Publishing & Marketing in the Digital Age with Kaytalin PlattThursday, March 2, 2023 at 7:00 PMOnline event Details Join us as we welcome Kaytalin Platt to discuss indie publishing and marketing in the digital age. Social media has changed the way we connect and share our work with the world. It can be an overwhelming and daunting method for book promotion, but there are……(continued)
- Understanding Writing Mentorship Programs with AWP’s Miranda GonzálezThursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM Join us in welcoming Miranda González, who will be talking to us about writing mentorship programs. The Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Writer to Writer Mentorship Program runs twice a year for three months per session. They match emerging writers with published authors to work towards the……(continued)
- In Conversation with Lambda Literary Fellow, Naseem JamniaThursday, September 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM SCHEDULE CHANGE: Please note we have two guest speakers for September, scheduled on the second and fourth Thursday. This meeting is on the 4th Thursday of September. Join us in welcoming Naseem Jamnia to discuss their newest upcoming work, The Bruising of Qilwa. In this intricate fantasy novella,……(continued)
- How to Make a Living at Writing In Spite of Yourself with Tony SokolThursday, March 17, 20227:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST Details Join us as Tony Sokol talks about making a living through writing and the conflicts that can arise between professional responsibility and creative goals. Tony Sokol is the culture editor at Den of Geek, and the TV editor at Entertainment Voice. For 24 years, he……(continued)
- Marketing Your Book with Amelia GriggsThursday, January 5, 2023 Please note that the SJWG will be changing our format: First Thursday – Guest Speaker / Member Business (Virtual Meeting)Third Thursday – Craft and Conversation (Hybrid Meeting) Join us as Amelia Griggs discusses how to promote a book or book series and will include marketing strategies to help you build a……(continued)
- Beyond Book Signings with Annette WhippleThursday, January 20, 20227:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST Details Increase book sales by connecting with readers at events. Don’t let your next book signing disappoint—think outside the box. Annette shares how to hook potential readers at events. Sales are important, but engaging readers hooks them for life … no matter where you find them!……(continued)
- UPDATED – Living History Resources for Writers with Chelsey KnyffThursday, October 21, 20217:00 PM to 9:00 PM Details *Due to a schedule change, we will not be able to host Inkwood Books this month.* Educator Chelsey Knyff and her company B. Historical unlock the past by providing immersive education across a number of historical eras. The importance of hands on learning in any subject……(continued)
- Hybrid Publishing House Panel: How to Publicize & Promote a Self-Published BookThursday, November 18, 20217:00 PM to 9:00 PM Details The South Jersey Writers Group are pleased to host four panelists to discuss How to Publicize and Promote Your Self-Published Book: What You Can Do Yourself and When It’s Time to Call in a Professional. The panelists will include the head of a hybrid publishing house;……(continued)
- After “THE END” – Writing the Rest of Your Work! with Terri BrisbinThu, Sep 16 · 7:00 PM EDT Most writers think that when they type the wondrous words – THE END – their work is done. In reality, it is just beginning! One decision as you finish telling your story is whether or not to include an epilogue in your fiction. But, two of the other……(continued)
- Writers Who Move The Heart And Pen with Patricia MiddletonPatricia Middleton is the former Morning Host of WTMR 800 AM and the current host of WPAT Live. She is a certified member of the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence and the founder of Grounded Voices, The Village Authors and Poetricia Publishing. Her workshop, “Writers Who Move The Heart and Pen” tracks her……(continued)
- Building Stronger Stories: Insights from Developmental Editor Sheila AthensEvent Hosted and Text Written by Sharyn Konyak Join us as traditionally published author & experienced book coach, Sheila Athens, shares the secrets she’s gained by providing developmental edits on dozens of manuscripts. During this course, novelists will learn how solidifying the bones of a story before you write will make your fiction stronger. We’ll……(continued)